quadratus femoris

Ischial tuberosity, lateral border. a. Quadrate tubercle near base of greater trochanter and intertrochanteric crest of femur.The quadratus femoris is a flat, quadrilateral skeletal muscle. Located on the posterior side of the hip joint, it is a strong external rotator and adductor of the thigh, but also acts to stabilize the femoral head in the acetabulum


The piriformis muscle is a small muscle located deep in the buttock (behind the gluteus maximus). The piriformis muscle: Starts at the lower spine and connects to the upper surface of each femur (thighbone) Functions to assist in rotating the hip and turning the leg and foot outward.

tensor fascia latae

The tensor fasciae latae is a tiny muscle, inferior to the iliotibial band. ... It goes into the lateral condyle of the tibia (the outer side of the top of the tibia, or shinbone) through the iliotibial band. This muscle is innervated by the superior gluteal nerve and performs the functions of hip flexion and abduction.

gluteus maximus

The gluteus maximus (also known collectively with the gluteus medius and minimus, as the gluteal muscles, and sometimes referred to informally as the "glutes") is the main extensor muscle of the hip.

gluteus medius

The gluteus medius works to provide rotation of the thigh outward from the center of the body, which enables a steady walking gait. The gluteus medius attaches to the leg at the top of the femur (thigh bone), close to the hip joint, on a bony prominence called the greater trochanter.

gluteus minimus

Function. Along with the gluteus medius and tensor fasciae latae, the gluteus minimus serves as the primary internal rotator of the hip joint. The gluteus minimus helps with abduction (movement away from the midline of the body) and medial (inward) rotation of the thigh at the hip.

iliotibial tract (IT)

The iliotibial tract, also known as the iliotibial band, is a thick strip of connective tissue connecting several muscles in the lateral thigh. It plays an important role in the movement of the thigh by connecting hip muscles to the tibia of the lower leg.